Cerita saya mulai dari perang yang akan berakhir hari ini, hari ini saya maju untuk terakhir kalinya ke medan pertempuran bertitel Ujian Akhir Semester.Tinggal menunggu hasilnya, apakah korban di pihak mahasiswa lebih banyak dari pihak pengawas
*loh?? apa hubungannya??*
Ada dong, nih ya, kalo di tempat saya, ada semacam kebiasaan aneh kalo ujian.Kalo mata kuliahnya terkenal susah, misal Statistika, Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Hutan, Dendrologi dll. pengawasnya bisa sampai 5-6 orang per ruang, biar pun cuman ada 30 orang dalam satu ruangan.Sebaliknya, kalo yg diujiin mata kuliah yang kira2 kita bisa "Mengarang Indah" seperti Sosiologi Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Bahasa Indonesia, Kehutanan Sosial dll. biarpun pesertanya satu ruangan ada 50 orang, paling banter pengawasnya cuman 3 orang, itupun disambi ngobrol.
Nah, hari Jum'at ini saya akan bertempur lagi, terus...kenapa saya malah ngeblog...bukannya belajar????
Karena saya sudah yakin atas mata kuliah satu ini....Dasar-dasar Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan.Insya Alloh saya bisa deh. BERANI DAN OPTIMIS!!!!
"The Adventure"
I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I'm alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I'm the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
anything that's dead shall be re-grown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.
Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you're gonna fall,
I'll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I felt this thing,
I can't replace.
Where everyone was working for this goal.
Where all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.
Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live, I can't breathe
unless you do this with me
Hey, oh, here I am,
and here we go, life's waiting to begin.
Hey, oh, here I am.
And here we go, life's waiting to begin,
life's waiting to begin.
huaaa aku ujian-e masih tiga ....