Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Cara menyiksaku...
kalau kalian mau membikin aku tersiksa setengah mati, mudah sekali, ini caranya :
masukkan aku ke dalam satu ruangan, ikat di kursi, suruh nonton TV yang isinya sinetron dan putar lagu-lagu dari band RADJA,Samsons atau band kampungan sejenis,dijamin gw bakal modar dalam hitungan detik....
Tapi anehnya, adik saya dan kawan-kawan kos saya bilang, saya ini mirip Ian Kasela kalau pake kacamata yang selalu saya pakai setiap kali saya naik motor.

Wedhus tenan...!!!!!
posted by fareez at 12:35:00 pm | Permalink | 0 comments
huu....Ramadhan kali ini benar2 menyebalkan....pengen pulang....really2 want to go home....
I miss my home so much....especially at this moment...when I get stucked on my job as a student.....

kapan gw bisa balik yah.....
posted by fareez at 12:29:00 pm | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
"For You"
I am a vision
I am justice
Never thought that I could love
Living in shadows
Fading existance
It was never good enough
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines the way
But you're trapped in violence
I can be the man who saves the day
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You
Someone's changed me
Something's saved me
And this is who I am
Although I was blinded
My heart let me find out
That truth makes a better man
I didn't notice
That you were right in front of me
Our masks of silence
We'll put away so we can see
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines a way
In this blind justice
I can be that man who saves the day
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
Cause you know it's true
You were there for me
And I'm there for you
For you
For you
For you
Only for you...
posted by fareez at 10:32:00 am | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, October 05, 2006
posting pertama
Kamis, 5 Oktober 2006

This is Pangeran Matahari's blog....
posted by fareez at 1:40:00 pm | Permalink | 2 comments